School Uniform
In school we have a positive attitude towards the wearing of a school uniform. It is our policy to actively encourage such practices and parents are asked to support us by ensuring that their children attend school in the recognised school uniform.
The school uniform is a navy-blue sweater, pale blue pique polo and grey trousers or skirt. In the summer, children may wear a dress with a navy blue cardigan/sweater or shorts and a hat must be provided. Shoes should be plain black.
As an accredited Sun Safe School, the children are expected to wear legionnaire’s hats during the summer and bring in sun cream.
All items of clothing should be marked with the child’s name.
Dyes and shaved patterns in the hair are not permitted. Ear rings must be studs and not hoops. Necklaces/chains and finger rings should not be worn. Shoes with heels should not be worn.
PE Kit
Children come to school wearing their PE kit on their allocated PE day. Because of this change we are now asking that the PE kit is as follows:
- A navy blue t-shirt with or without the school logo
- Navy blue shorts or jogging bottoms
- Trainers for both the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2, and black plimsolls to be labelled and left in school for the Foundation Phase.
- School jumpers and cardigans can be worn with the t-shirt and jogging bottoms.