Choosing a new school is an important decision and we hope that the information provided in this document will give you an insight into the life at Bodnant Community School. Bodnant Community School is a County Primary School, catering for children from Playgroup to the end of Year 6. Our school believes in fostering a happy and hard-working atmosphere, and our main aim is to provide a caring, friendly and stimulating environment where each child is treated as an individual and actively encouraged to be the best they can both academically and in developing life-skills. We believe that to achieve this, we need to create true partnerships between teachers, parents and pupils. The school belongs to all of us. We plan to make your child’s years in our care happy, memorable and rewarding. We hope that the supportive links between home and school will thrive and we look forward to a long and happy relationship. In order to learn successfully, children need to have:
- Positive self-images through knowing they are valued for themselves.
- Equality of opportunity to gain full access to the curriculum.
- An atmosphere of positive relationships, stability, structure and security in which to learn.
- The opportunity to develop personal and social skills and a sense of morality together with sensitivity to the needs of others.
- A stimulating environment, appropriate tasks and tools.
- The opportunity to express themselves creatively and apply their skills and knowledge through problem solving and first-hand experience.
At Bodnant we aim to provide these for every child in our care. We are very proud of our school. It belongs to the staff, governors, children and parents. Together we aim to provide a secure, loving environment, in which we cater for the individual needs of your child; allowing them to reach their full potential, at every level in their development process.