Bodnant Community School

Believe Commit Succeed

Eco Day 2021 was a great success! Diolch pawb!  Looking forward to Spring Clean Wales!   

SCHOOL GROUNDS NEWS>>>> Mrs Longley has been working with her Gardening Club to develop our school grounds. It is important to have plants to attract different types of pollinators. Year 4 have been leading the way with the RHS Campaign for school gardening. They have achieved level 2! Da iawn!

Spring Clean Wales ........ click here for info!

Fantastic news! Bodnant Community school has successfully retained its platinum status. We are extremely proud of all the hard work from our wonderful pupils and staff. We are now looking forward to some exciting new initiatives in 2020.  See us in the Journal


Kate and Nigel from Prestatyn Town Council came in to talk to the pupils about Prestatyn’s Plastic Free Status.  They invited pupils to discuss their ideas for the town

Shoppers at our Christmas jumper shop.  Donated jumpers brought in and then sold on to grateful new owners (below). The money raised from the sale will be given to Mrs Rowe to buy resources for the Forest School. Diolch pawb!

Thank you Prestatyn and District Environment Association for our certificate. We are happy to help recycle crisp packets and stop them going in our bins and then on to landfill. We are still collecting crisp packets so are happy to receive them in school.

We are proud to be an Eco School and have achieved and retained Platinum status.  

We are the only school in Prestatyn to have achieved this and we are very proud of our pupils and staff who have worked hard over the past 2 years (to see a list of schools look here  In Bodnant Community School we have held Green Days, walked through the year with Muscle Power Wednesday, encouraged and monitored whole school recycling, taken part in the RSPB Schools Bird Watch, improved our wellbeing by encouraging everyone to have healthy lunchboxes and yoga sessions, made full use of our school grounds for Forest Schools and outdoor learning and are now developing a new garden and planting area.  

What is Eco-Schools?

Eco-Schools is an international environmental education programme developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in 1994 and run in Wales by Keep Wales Tidy.

Eco-Schools is one of a kind – it’s student led which means the Eco Council meet regularly to set targets and get involved in making our school and local community a better place.

It’s designed to empower and inspire young people to make positive environmental changes to their school and wider community, while building on their key skills, including numeracy and literacy, and encompassing Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship.

 Schools achieve Platinum status once they have been awarded the Green Flag four times – demonstrating their long-term commitment to environmental education, student involvement and sustainability. Platinum schools are ranked amongst the best in the world on the Eco-Schools programme.


Collecting batteries is hard work but it is important to keeping them OUT of landfill.
Collecting batteries is hard work but it is important to keeping them OUT of landfill.

Take a look at our Eco Day June 2019 (photos below)