Our Preschool and Wrap Around care is managed by Bodnant Bach under the care of Clare Dyche and Lisa Evans.
If you would like to use any of these services, please get in touch with Lisa Evans, the manager of Bodnant Bach on 07436026124.
Our Preschool and Wrap Around care is managed by Bodnant Bach under the direction of Lisa Evans. Bodnant Bach by Miri Melyd is a well-established childcare company that is committed to provide the positive link between Bodnant Community School and the continuity of care given to your children throughout the day. Bodnant Bach works very closely with school to ensure a high standard of care and smooth transitions, maintaining the family values and support families’ needs through these important years.
Breakfast Club is available from 7.30am offering a healthy breakfast to start the day including cereals, toast, and a drink. This needs to be pre-booked in order for your child to attend. Staff will ensure your child arrives safely to their classrooms and will pass on all messages to the teacher.


Afterschool Club is open until 6.00pm and offers a fun, relaxed environment for the children to play sport, cook, create, build, read, and spend time with their friends. The children are split into two age groups.
The children all have a two course snack tea together before returning to their activities. Sessions for Afterschool Club also need to be booked in advance to ensure a space. Bodnant Bach is open every holiday and half term providing care for your child. The children all have many fun and exciting activities to choose from including trips out, themed days, sports events, competitions, arts and craft sessions, cooking and projects that last the length of the holidays. Holiday sessions must also be booked in advance to ensure a place.
The Preschool is regulated by Estyn, CSSIW and ECERS ensuring it maintains a high standard of care at all times. They work very closely with the nursery teacher to ensure the transition between Preschool and Nursery is as easy as possible.
The Preschool offers a wide variety of play opportunities within different areas such as roleplay, small world, construction, home corner, malleable and tactile, ICT, nature area, Believe Commit Succeed 36 language and literacy and table top and reading area. Staff make early observations to monitor your child and plan activities to encourage development in all key areas. ‘Free-flow’ play allows your child to make confident choices and progress through play whilst having lots of fun.
Children are actively encouraged to develop independence skills, for example putting their coats on, pouring their drinks, making choices, toileting independently and being responsible for keeping Preschool tidy.
Bodnant Bach have established good communication links with County regarding early intervention and additional needs. Due to their wealth of experience, they can identify if your child requires any additional support with issues such as speech and language and behaviour. They will then work closely with the school Family Liaison and Nursery teacher to ensure a consistent approach to support their learning and to reach their full potential.
Once support has been established via outside agencies such as a Speech Therapist, they can carry out any individual sessions they need to reach their targets.
Preschool offers care to children from 2 years. Play sessions start from a minimum of two hours up to full day care. Funding is available for 10 hours free per week (5 two hour
sessions) once your child is three years old.
If you would like to use any of these services, please get in touch with Lisa Evans, the manager of Bodnant Bach on 07436026124.
The school also works closely with Tiny Tots and Little Rascals.