Bodnant Community School

Believe Commit Succeed

Parent Forum

We are happy to welcome parents and carers to our Parent Forum. The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents/carers and the school.  It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, concerns and make suggestions for improvement. This is not a PTA.  It is an opportunity to offer a space for parents/carers to meet socially.  It will focus on the following:


  • to share information, knowledge and skills
  • to meet in a mutually supportive environment
  • to further improve communications between parents/carers and staff/governors


Who Can be part of the Parent Forum?

We welcome all parents and carers to the meetings including grandparents.  Younger siblings are welcomed which means you don’t need to find childcare to come along.

There will be times when we will invite members from the community to come in to talk about relevant topics and we will add these to our Agenda as and when we can, or when it is suggested in our meetings. 

How often will the Parent Forum meet?

 Every half term for about an hour.  Each half term we will do our best to hold the forum at different times to try to enable as many parents to attend who wish to.

 What will be discussed at the meetings?

Anything related to improving the school and further developing the partnership between the school and parents.  The meetings will be informal and are an opportunity for an open discussion.  Minutes of the meetings will be taken and these will be accessible on the school's website.

We will do our best to support parents with any issues and will be happy to arrange private conversations if needed.  If you have a suggestion but are unable to attend a meeting please let us know and we will include it on our next meeting agenda.

It is not the forum to discuss concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or members of staff.

 We hope to welcome you at one of our meetings very soon. Look out for meeting dates and times via Schoolcomms.

 If you would like any further information please contact Mrs. Caroline Haddon or Mrs. Julie Chandler on their emails below or contact school on 01745 854724:


Minutes of the Parent Forum meetings:

Minutes of meeting 06 12 21